Rebelling goes beyond your sense of style or the swag in your walk. So listen up kids, cause we got folk rock troubadour Azmyl Yunor to school your a$$es.
JUICE spoke to the ever erudite folk rocker Azmyl Yunor on trivial things like his “Aku Bukan Azmyl Yunor” statement tee and not really trivial ideal of a borderless world.
Azmyl’s incarnation as Azmyl Yunor & the Sigarettes sees the folk rocker receiving some well-deserved, if not superfluous, studio embellishments from peers in the music industry.
JUICE converses with 3 Converse Jamboree Ambassadors from across the creative spectrum – folk-rocker Azmyl Yunor, music journo-cum-photog Ili FM, and visual artist Fairuz Sulaiman. “I hope they [kids] misbehave more, like kids are wont to be.” – Azmyl Yunor